North Dakota Bankers
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NDBA Joins State Bankers Associations in Urging Transparency for FHLB Reforms

NDBA Joins State Bankers Associations in Urging Transparency for FHLB Reforms

Posted: Jan 03 2024
As the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) works to implement the recommendations of its FHLB System at 100: Focusing on the Future report, the NDBA joined the ABA and 51 state bankers associations in a letter to FHFA Director Sandra Thompson urging for transparency throughout the process. The report takes a full look at the history of the FHLB system with an eye toward ensuring “the FHLBanks remain well positioned to meet the needs of their members and the communities they serve.”

In the letter to Director Thompson, the Associations state, “The proposals set forth can dramatically impact that mission and the continued ability of the FHLBs to meet it for all members. In the wake of the recent report, a number of observers have speculated that implementation of the recommendations could result in more limited or more difficult access to the FHLBs liquidity and programs creating uncertainty in the market. FHFA can reduce that uncertainty by committing to a clear, transparent, open, and inclusive process going forward.”

To read the letter, visit:

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